Friday, November 20, 2015

Do alcohol advertisements influence the consumption of alcohol?

              On the picture above is one of the popular alcohol ads I saw on the subway system. Svedka Vodka picked a great location to advertise their product. The NYC subway system sees a thousands of people every day, different ages and ethnicities. When people stand in the crowded trains, they begin to look around at the advertisements that are posted around them in order not to make awkward eye contact with the person they are squished up against. This image of Svedka Vodka is very colorful which attracts attention. Also on the top right corner it makes a personal connection to New Yorkers; it has a picture of the yellow cab in times square. Even though I personally try to avoid Times Square, it still makes me feel like home. However, I believe that no ad will be successful enough to make people drink. Most of the time people drink because their friends influence them. The ad can make a difference in the brand of alcohol they buy but not influence the amount of consumption. Special promotions, giveaways may be more successful because college students like to take advantage of opportunities of deals where they have to pay less, and have more fun. Giveaways and special promotions are most effective marketing steps because it created credibility with the product. It also will make college students prefer certain product because they were able to try it without risking their money and the experience that they have with it. 

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