Sunday, December 13, 2015


Well, I think traditions are very important. However black friday is something new to me. I was introduced to it, only a few years back and I was never eager to experience. I am personally not "big" on shopping and black friday just seems crazy to me and very hectic. People running in to the store and fighting over certain goods just seems way too crazy. I have never done it, not have a desire to go out on black friday. When it comes to holiday shopping, I casually walk into stores and if I see something that my friend or family member will like, I will get it for them. If not, I would order it online. Black Friday is a little to crazy for me, I am too calm of a person to participate in anything like that.

Advertising method.

It is very important to choose the correct advertising method for a certain product. One of the most popular methods is advertising on media. For example McDonalds, when they decided to make more healthier options and introduce the new salad on television, it gave them flexibility to advertise one salad to many different groups, which would promote their product more and attract customers of different social, ethnic and economic groups.  I think it was a very successful way to advertise the salad, many people watch TV, and many people go to McDonalds, it was an easy and successful way for them to introduce a new product. Also when I was on Youtube, I found many people making their own videos about the benefits of this chicken salad and how good and healthy it is for you. So McDonalds have succeeded to the point of where their costumers advertise their product.

Friday, December 11, 2015

succesful advertising..

One of the ways to of advertising that were successful that we have discussed in class is promotion. For example how Coca Cola  promoted the Coca Cola life, the launched their product in a small town and gave out their new drink. They also used it for an advertisement, so its like they used both strategies in order to promote their product. Coca Cola is very good with advertising their products they always use the friends and family theme and I feel like its a very strong tactic because everyone can relate.

Is advertising manipulation?

Is advertising manipulation?

    Advertising is a very controversial topic. Some people may claim for it to be manipulative and others may think its not. However based on the topics we talked before how marketing strategies, how certain advertisements make wants turn into needs, I can make make a claim that advertising is manipulative. However I can not blame them for manipulating my choices, because that is their job.  It is my choice whether or not I find their advertisement or promotion attractive. It is absolutely up to me whether or not I want to give in and decide to convert my wants into my needs. We are so convinced that we need it, and now, with social media we are manipulated even more, because it is everywhere. It is similar to our phone, we DO NOT need our phone, but we feel absolutely helpless without it. We loose the responsibility and the trust in the abilities we have.

promotional mix.

What is promotional mix?
The makeup of the promotional mix varies with the product being promoted, the nature of the potential customers, the general market conditions, and the funds available.

 10 different types of products or services. For each product, determine which type of promotional method(s) would be best for informing consumers about the product or service. Why did you select each method?

1. Beverages - direct marketing, new media, promotion.
2. Makeup- event marketing, direct marketing, advertising, media
3.Shoes/clothes - Advertisements, publicity, new media, and direct marketing.
4. Restaurants- media, public relations, and even marketing.
5. Electronics- media, promotions, direct marketing.
6. Salons (spa, hair)- media, public relations, promotions.
7. contraceptives- promotion, media, direct marketing.
8. cars.- all of the above.
9. new apps- media.
10. furniture- media, public relations. 

New spin on an old product.

Well, this is a great opportunity to talk about the companies that failed in marketing techniques. For example some of my classmates talked about companies like blockbuster. Another company is Motorola, this company had a very good product, they were big with the Motorola razor phones. When they came out, many people had them or wanted to have them. It was like an iPhone in these few recent years. After that phone has lost its "touch", people began to move on to the new things, but Motorola "froze". They did not come up with a new phone that had a semi decent marketing for. I have seen this phone at stores, it is semi like Samsung. However, now a days the two companies that dominate the market for cellphones is Apple and Samsung. Motorola got far pushed back. It would be insanely hard to bring it back, unless they begin to come up a new product that no other company has, for example maybe like a futuristic phone, I thnk it would be something new and many people would buy it.

Custmer is everything..

   The author of this quote is very correct. Costumers are very important in the business setting and it is very important to keep them and make them brand loyal. Because if customers keep coming and going, it means the product was weak and the company will begin to fall, maybe slowly, but it will begin to fall.  Marketers job is to figure out a way where everyone is happy, there is constant revenue and a very strong customer base.  If there is not customer, there wont be a product and soon there wont be a business. It is in the company interest to keep their clients, which means they have to figure out a way to make them happy as well as to make money. Also it maybe easy to get costumers. People will always come around and try the product, but its a lot harder to keep the costumer.. however if the company does succeed in keeping the costumer it shows the strength of their product and company.