Friday, December 11, 2015

Custmer is everything..

   The author of this quote is very correct. Costumers are very important in the business setting and it is very important to keep them and make them brand loyal. Because if customers keep coming and going, it means the product was weak and the company will begin to fall, maybe slowly, but it will begin to fall.  Marketers job is to figure out a way where everyone is happy, there is constant revenue and a very strong customer base.  If there is not customer, there wont be a product and soon there wont be a business. It is in the company interest to keep their clients, which means they have to figure out a way to make them happy as well as to make money. Also it maybe easy to get costumers. People will always come around and try the product, but its a lot harder to keep the costumer.. however if the company does succeed in keeping the costumer it shows the strength of their product and company.

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