Friday, December 11, 2015

Is advertising manipulation?

Is advertising manipulation?

    Advertising is a very controversial topic. Some people may claim for it to be manipulative and others may think its not. However based on the topics we talked before how marketing strategies, how certain advertisements make wants turn into needs, I can make make a claim that advertising is manipulative. However I can not blame them for manipulating my choices, because that is their job.  It is my choice whether or not I find their advertisement or promotion attractive. It is absolutely up to me whether or not I want to give in and decide to convert my wants into my needs. We are so convinced that we need it, and now, with social media we are manipulated even more, because it is everywhere. It is similar to our phone, we DO NOT need our phone, but we feel absolutely helpless without it. We loose the responsibility and the trust in the abilities we have.

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