Friday, December 11, 2015

Do marketers force us to buy products we dont need?

It is important for marketers to truly understand the customer because they need to pitch their product while considering our  wants and needs and expectations. Each person is different, and each person will look for different things. For marketers it is very important to keep their consumer interested and keep coming back for more, new products that will come in the future. It is very important to understand who they are targeting and what those people expect from the product, meanwhile keeping the main goal of the company. It is very difficult to do, however consumers is what makes the business thrive and brings profit. 

Wants vs Needs;
What would have to occur to move each of these from “wants” to “needs”?

1. car.- If i need to get around to lots of places in a very short period of time. Car always saves time.. unless its rush hour.
2. vacation abroad- lots of stress, to the point where I will need a vacation.. for example like now!
3. hair wand- nothing can make it my needs..
4. good grade.. that s already a NEED!!
5. I want to own a house
6. I want identical twins in the future
7. I want to be with someone reliable

It was very hard to come with that list, however I did best I could..because I honestly want one thing... for my family to be well, and happy, and I am not a very materialistic person, so its impossible for me to come up with a list like that.  

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