Friday, December 11, 2015

Journal entrie #3

Hello my dear reader,
Welcome back to my blog, today I will answer some question that you may have..
1.  Can a company be successful without using a portfolio matrix as a strategic planning tool?
         Well, lets start with the question what is the portfolio Matrix? 
Portfolio Matrix is an analysis technique. It is a chart that was created by Bruce Henderson in 1970, in order to help corporations analyze the balance between cash flow. 
So, this system is very important for businesses because it helps them analyze the cash input and the excess cash it generates. It mas out the place the business is in, and the marketers can come up with a strategy to increase the profit and bring the company to the place they wish to be.
2.  Which element of the marketing mix is the most compelling for customers?
            The most compelling marketing mix for customers is price and product. Some people are price loyal, and other people are brand loyal. It really depends on the person who is targeted, and also it is important for people to feel connected and personal with the product, even to maybe have some trust or be intrigued to try it.
3.  Is it possible to achieve "sustainable competitive advantage" or is "sustainable competitive advantage" theoretical only? Name a company that has done so and outline how?
        I think it is possible, it requires a lot of work. For example Apple; Apple is in a very good place. They are in such a good place they almost don't need to force people to buy their product, they can place the picture of their new phone, or the apple store in the store front of At&t and the day of the release there will be people making a huge line just to get the product that is just the same as they have but maybe camera improved. Having an Apple phone is having a status. They are a very strong company and they have nothing to fear, they have a product that they can be sure about. For a while in the movie theaters Microsoft used to advertise their new tablet, showing all the benefits and transformation of their tablet to the computer and showing how easy it is to use and carry around vs. the Macbook Pro. I believe they only helped Mac because people believe in them, and Mac does not put other products down in order to make themselves higher, and I feel like they have earned a lot of respect with that from their customers. 

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