Friday, December 11, 2015

Marketing changes our thoughts and opinions.

if I could change one thing about myself would be gain more weight. 

It is very interesting to see kids vs. adults to answer this one question; 
If you would change anything about your body what it would be? 
I think its because kids have not have experienced other peoples judgmental looks and opinions and they have not been influenced by the media and certain stereotypes and its is absolutely amazing. I think marketing has a huge part in how it makes us a little bit insecure. Whenever they market make up they always pick this flawless, beautiful girl, or clothes, they always put it on the slim tall model; and subconsciously we begin to think we wish we were them.. and I am beginning to wish they would put more heavy set women in the magazines. Every one is beautiful and we should all love ourselves as we are. 

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