Friday, December 11, 2015

New spin on an old product.

Well, this is a great opportunity to talk about the companies that failed in marketing techniques. For example some of my classmates talked about companies like blockbuster. Another company is Motorola, this company had a very good product, they were big with the Motorola razor phones. When they came out, many people had them or wanted to have them. It was like an iPhone in these few recent years. After that phone has lost its "touch", people began to move on to the new things, but Motorola "froze". They did not come up with a new phone that had a semi decent marketing for. I have seen this phone at stores, it is semi like Samsung. However, now a days the two companies that dominate the market for cellphones is Apple and Samsung. Motorola got far pushed back. It would be insanely hard to bring it back, unless they begin to come up a new product that no other company has, for example maybe like a futuristic phone, I thnk it would be something new and many people would buy it.

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